Changelings, wisselrecepten
de map is nu klaar voor acht recepten
Uit het blog van Lotje Meijknecht, de 1000poot over ons gezamenlijk project:
So, I am a printer - as well - and my printing business is called in Dutch: Drukkerij de 1000poot, a subtle hint to the many different things that inspire me. (1000poot = duizendpoot = centipede, where centi is just 100 rather than 1000, who cares for another zero out there!?)
Our printing businesses, called De Zwaluwpers, or The Swallow Press, flying high and low and flexible. Together we design and print two recipe prints each year. As a form of ' applied' art or 'usable' art: pin them on your kitchen wall and when the recipe gets boring, you just visit or call us and get a new one. Simple, nice and easy. The recipes are hand printed and we make about 35 of each recipe. We call it 'wisselRECEPT' or 'changeRECIPE', the CHANGELINGs of art in your kitchen!
Today I'm really proud of our total collection, look there, all different and all good. Can you see who's who's? Not even important anymore, I like it when all blends together.
In het najaar kun je de prenten, behalve bestellen, ook zien bij mij in het atelier tijdens de Delftse Atelierroute, 15-16 oktober, Delft
En op de Boekkunstbeurs 5-6 november in Leiden
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